Caring for Your Home
Main Topic Index » Homeowner Maintenance Guidelines
Homeowner Maintenance Guidelines
Oliver Homes has constructed your home with quality materials and experienced craftsmen. Building materials must meet our specifications for quality and durability. All work has been done under our supervision to attain the best possible results for your investment.
A home is one of the last hand-built products left in the world. After we have assembled the natural and manufactured materials, the components interact with each other and the environment. Although quality materials and workmanship have been used in your home, this does not mean that it will require no care or maintenance. A home, like an automobile, requires care and attention from day one. General homeowner maintenance is essential to providing a quality home for a lifetime.
We are proud of the homes we build and the neighborhoods in which we build. We strive to create long-lasting value. This goal cannot be achieved unless you, as the homeowner, properly maintain your home and all of its components. Periodic maintenance is necessary because of normal wear and tear, the inherent characteristics of the materials used in your home, and normal service required by the mechanical systems. Natural fluctuations in temperature and humidity also affect your home.
Many times a minor adjustment or repair done immediately saves a more serious, time-consuming, and sometimes costly repair later. Note also that neglect of routine maintenance can void applicable limited warranty coverage. By caring for your new home attentively, you ensure your enjoyment of it for years. The attention provided by each homeowner contributes significantly to the overall desirability of the community.
We recognize that it is impossible to anticipate and describe every detail needed for good home care, but we have covered many important items. The subjects covered include components of homes we build, listed in alphabetical order. Each topic includes suggestions for use and maintenance followed by Oliver Homes limited warranty guidelines. This manual may discuss some components that are not present in your home.
Please take time to read the literature provided by the manufacturers of consumer products and other items in your home. The information contained in that material is not repeated in this manual. Although much of the information may be familiar to you, some points may differ significantly from the previous homes you have had in the past.
We make every effort to keep our information current and accurate. However, if any detail in our discussion conflicts with the manufacturer's recommendations, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Activate specific manufacturer's warranties by completing and mailing any registration cards included with their materials. In some cases, manufacturer's warranties may extend beyond the first year and it is in your best interests to be apprised of such coverages.