Lending Information
Mortgage Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payment. Please note that these calculations are approximate, and do not take into account factors such as taxes, closing costs and insurance.
Home Finance Contacts
- Samantha Mellott
CNB Bank
Phone: 301-800-8711 cell
Email: smellott@cnb.bank
Web: http://www.cnb.bank - Vince Petrolle
Cross Country Mortgage
Phone: 301-461-1734
Email: vince.petrolle@myccmortgage.com
Web: http://www.ThePetrolleTeam.com - Denise Karanikas
Horizon Farm Credit
Phone: 301-639-9753
Email: DKaranikas@HorizonFC.com
Web: http://www.horizonfc.com - Chuck Via
M Lend
Phone: 301-580-7761 or 301-371-8850 X132
Email: cvia@mlend.com
Web: http://www.mlend.com/cvia - Christina Ocharzak
First Home Mortgage
Phone: 301-491-4544 or 240-707-3257
Email: cmocharzak@firsthome.com